Turkana Girl
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RefNum: 04ke-2482. Turkana women wearing the traditional hairstyle - a braided Mohawk. Turkanas like to wear breads of different colors which they belive protect them from different bad things and indicate a woman's wealth and marital status.
Turkana Girl
Continent: Africa
Country: Kenya
Category: Turkana Tribe
Viewed: 31753 times
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build: r0.4.3.1/አዲስ አበባ
countries: 17
categories: 134
photos: 2155
hits: 10030058
comments: 249
countries: 17
categories: 134
photos: 2155
hits: 10030058
comments: 249
lutzoffsite@hotmail.com /2005-11-07 20:13:34/
this picture does not show a turkana boy when you look at the turkana with beads. I think its always a woman. I think this is a turkana girl
d4vid /2005-11-09 12:32:13/
True, thanks!
LEMUKOL /2009-02-10 21:07:53/
Niajokon noi!Elipa AKUJ.
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