Sierra Leone
Latest news
26/12/2007 - I've released the last photos from Sierra Leone. Take a cup of coffee and enjoy.
15/12/2007 - the biggest Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten is interested in publishing photographs about Amputee Football Team.
11/11/2007 - I've started on editing photographs from Sierra Leone. Am very thankful to Annelise Jackbo, foremost norwegian documentary photographer, who is helping me to choose the photographs for publishing.
Prerelease notes
So far I've traveled to get to know indigenous people, new cultures, new customs. Am grateful for all magazines like National Geographic and Czech foremost travel magazines for publishing my work. But I've became 30 years old couple of days ago and at the very day I got offer from one of Czech most famous war/crisis photographers Jan Sibik to travel with him on an assignment to Sierra Leone. I never did documentary photography but it did not take long before I've sent my visa application to British Embassy here in Norway. Am explaining the reasons I did so in the next text.
We are going to Sierra Leone to visit diamond mines and capms with children soldiers. There are some other plans also but I can not write about them at this place. God bless us :-) but I trust Jan, he has been into this areas several times before.
Why would you do so???
Because I believe there are bigger problems than having a well paid job, big house and the most fancy car. Does it take you down you do not have enough money to buy the latest hi-fi sound system? How about kids loosing their homes, limbs, parents.. I feel I can do something that has meaning, that I can help someone that really needs it. That is why I won't give up travels like this...
The biggest newspaper in Norway, Aftenposten, has acquired photos of Amputee Football Team to its friday's magazine. There will be most likely more articles published in the future, I plan on writing one about the diamond mines. For the time being you can check out list of articles which I published (mostly in czech language).
Tips & tricks
- helicopter from the airport to the town (Aberdeen) costs the same as hovercraft, 50USD, take a helicopter, its much faster (takes about 7 minutes)
- you are safe walking in Aberdeen in the night
- you are NOT safe driving anywhere outside Aberdeen in the night - save it for the next morning rather than loosing your life
- lybians and syrians are not very popular in Sierra Leone - do not trust them on what they say about security situation in the country, its always negative
- its OK to take a hotel downtown, but for instability reasons double check the security situation with locals
- do not fall for local girls no matter how clever (and damn beautiful) they might look like while you talk to them on the bar - you might end up paying a hell of money to the policeman (a friend of the chick) for not being accused of rape
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