Download of HD photo
Personal licence and download terms
David Lacina grants buyer a non-exclusive perpetual personal-use license to download and copy the accompanying photo, subject to the following restrictions:
- The photo is provided in size 1920px longer side (for example 1920x1285px for horizontal photo and 1285x1920px for vertical photo)
- This license is for personal use only. Personal use means non-commercial use of the photo(s) for display on computers, or making prints for personal use. The photo(s) may not be used in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration. The photo(s) may not be used in advertising. The image(s) may not be resold, relicensed, or sub-licensed.
- Ownership and all rights now and in the future, of and for the photo(s) remain exclusively with David Lacina. There are no warranties, express or implied. The photo(s) are provided 'as is.'
- David Lacina will not be liable for any third party claims or incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of this license or buyer's use of the photo(s).
How to download the HD photo
- If a photo is available for HD download, Download button appears under it.
- Click on the Download button. The photo will be added to PayPal cart and you can either choose to continue browsing and add more photos or pay.
- You choose yourself if you would like to pay using an existing PayPal account or if you would like to pay by any major credit card.
- After you successfully complete the payment, you receive an confirmation email with link where to download the photo from. If you do not receive the email, please check Spam folder on your email account.
- In addition, if you pay using your PayPal account, you will be automatically redirected to the download page.
- If you pay by credit card, choose Return to link on the completion page and you will be also automatically redirected to the download page.
- Do not close your browser or use back, forward or refresh button untill you come to the download page.
- You can download the HD photo, remember that for security reasons, the link will be available for only one download, after that it will not work.
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countries: 17
categories: 134
photos: 2155
hits: 10019886
comments: 249