processing of sago
Processing Of Sago
Continent: Asia
Country: Indonesia
Category: Siberut island
Viewed: 6150 times
People > Work
People > Indigenous
Tribe > Mentawai
Location > Siberut Island
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build: r0.4.3.1/አዲስ አበባ
countries: 17
categories: 134
photos: 2155
hits: 10132742
comments: 249
countries: 17
categories: 134
photos: 2155
hits: 10132742
comments: 249
bohemy68 /2002-12-15 20:53:06/
What is sago? Looks like stomping grapes for wine.
bohemy68 /2002-12-15 20:56:16/
I saw in the previous pict that it is a bread. Made from what part of what plant?
daviD /2002-12-16 13:55:00/
very good question.. from what part do they actually do the bread? well.. from the trunk of the sago palm tree.. they cut it first, grind it by special tool.. then take it to place like this where they garble it and finally they make bread from it.. the men is actually standing on a sieve and the sago flour which goes through it is then suitable for the bread. the rest is for feeding the "wild" pigs..
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