Praying Wheel, Pemayangtse Gompa
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RefNum: 09in-7967. Tibetan prayer wheels (called Mani wheels by the Tibetans) are devices for spreading spiritual blessings and well being. Typically, larger decorative versions of the syllables of the mantra are carved on the outside cover of the wheel. Tibetan Buddhist Mani wheels are always spun clockwise, as viewed from above, for any or all of several reasons: It rotates the syllables of the mantra so that they would pass a viewer in the order that they would be read, it follows the direction of the sun, and it matches the clockwise circumambulation of stupas.
Praying Wheel, Pemayangtse Gompa
Continent: Asia
Country: India
Category: Buddhist Sikkim
Viewed: 3122 times
Architecture > Monastery
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