Photos in category Temple

showing 12 - 24 of total 43
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Stunning Carving Of Hoysaleswara Temple, Belur And Halebid, India

Stunning Carving Of..

Detail Of Elephant Carving On Hoysaleswara Temple, Belur And Halebid, India

Detail Of Elephant..

Stunning Carving Of Hoysaleswara Temple, Belur And Halebid, India

Stunning Carving Of..

Stunning Carving Of Hoysaleswara Temple, Belur And Halebid, India

Stunning Carving Of..

Side Entrance Of Hoysaleswara Temple, Belur And Halebid, India

Side Entrance Of..

Interior Of Hoysaleswara Temple, Belur And Halebid, India

Interior Of..

Underground Virupaksha Temple, Hampi Historical, India

Underground Virupaksha..

Walking The Ruins, Hampi Historical, India

Walking The Ruins

Virupaksha Temple, Hampi Historical, India

Virupaksha Temple

Virupaksha Temple, Hampi Historical, India

Virupaksha Temple

Sunset On Hemakuta Hill, Hampi Historical, India

Sunset On Hemakuta hill

Monkey Temple, Hampi Historical, India

Monkey Temple

showing 12 - 24 of total 43
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