Photos in category Jaipur

showing 12 - 24 of total 48
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Child Labor, Jaipur fabric factory, India

Child Labor

Washing The Clothes, Jaipur fabric factory, India

Washing The Clothes

Men And Drying Clothes, Jaipur fabric factory, India

Men And Drying Clothes

Drying Clothes, Jaipur fabric factory, India

Drying Clothes

Dyeing Clothes, Jaipur fabric factory, India

Dyeing Clothes

Packing Clothes, Jaipur fabric factory, India

Packing Clothes

Drying Clothes, Jaipur fabric factory, India

Drying Clothes

Washing The Clothes, Jaipur fabric factory, India

Washing The Clothes

Hand Printing Fabric, Jaipur fabric factory, India

Hand Printing Fabric

Making A Carpet, Jaipur fabric factory, India

Making A Carpet

Printing Blocks, Jaipur fabric factory, India

Printing Blocks

Sunset At Monkey Temple, Jaipur, India

Sunset At Monkey Temple

showing 12 - 24 of total 48
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